Friday, April 10, 2009

The Price of Love

The night before He died, one of the most important things Christ taught the apostles at the Last Supper was that the greatest expression of love one can show is to lay down one's life for another (Jn 15:13).

This definition is not how the world usually defines love. Sometimes it's defined as sex, sometimes an affinity or liking, sometimes satisfaction.

But the Lord teaches us that love is not a feeling, but rather an action. He defines it another way when He reiterated the Great Commandment: "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength" (Mk 12:30). Love is the complete emptying of self and giving over to another, the beloved.

Today He shows us how much He loves us.

I've been attending the Good Friday liturgy for several years now, but last year was the first time I'd ever heard the Reproaches. It is an antiphon and verses sung during the veneration of the cross, and it reflects upon the goodness the Lord did throughout salvation history, paralleled with what we did to the Lord on Good Friday. It is a disturbing look at the extent of God's love, and our denial of that Love.

Lord, help me to love You more.