Sunday, April 04, 2010

Resurrexit Sicut Dixit

Tonight, through the liturgy of the Church's solemn vigil, God spans time and space to bring us the grace of that holy night when Christ rose triumphant over the grave.  It is in the dead of this night that Death is destroyed.  And we are there at the tomb to see it empty.

Tonight the Church's great proclamation of the Resurrection, the Exultet asks, What good would life have been to us, had Christ not come as our Redeemer?

This is the Good News that gives all things meaning.  God the Son, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, came in the flesh, lived among men, suffered and died for them, and took up His life again.  Our pain and suffering has meaning because He Himself suffered.  Our death does not spell the end of our life because His death did not spell the end of His Life.

Yet there are still people who have not heard this joyous news.  Even now they do not see what good life is, that their God poured out Himself in sacrificial love so that their sin and brokenness could be healed and their death could be overcome.

These are not just poetic words; this is no myth.  He is risen as He said, and He comes to us as the Eucharist--His true Body and Blood, resurrected and glorified--to share His abundant life as He said.